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Powering Sight
Kuria is on a mission to preserve vision and restore sight in patients experiencing an array of ophthalmic diseases.

Powering Sight is what we do. With mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress as root causes of blinding diseases, we are preparing cells to fight back and leveraging the body's defense system to do so.
Kuria’s product candidates currently focus on the cornea. Like the windshield in your car, the cornea protects the inside of the eye, but also must be transparent. When corneal cells are damaged, vision becomes distorted, glare or halos occur, and even blindness can result.
Unfortunately, damage to corneal cells is a common occurrence due to various factors. Certain diseases, like Fuchs’ Dystrophy, damage corneal cells. These cells may be damaged by eye surgeries, such as cataract surgery. Chronic conditions such as living with diabetes, being a smoker, and exposure to environmental pollution may also weaken these cells.
Kuria’s solution is to treat those cells already damaged by disease to improve vision and to strengthen corneal cells so that vision is not threatened by surgery.
We do this by activating the NRF2 pathway. Listen below to Kuria's CEO, Keith Ward, and learn more about our development of potentially ground-breaking medications.

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View our CEO's company presentation
We are a team of seasoned life science executives and entrepreneurs with decades of experience in building biotechnology companies, running complex multi-national development programs, managing alliances with partners, and building relationships with clinicians, investors, vendors, and patient groups.
More importantly, we enjoy working together and with our partners, and we bring a clear focus on what needs to get done to maximize the value of our programs.
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